Tag Team Tunier Berlin

  • Tag Team Tunier Berlin

    Ok wenn ich nun für den 1.
    Dezember 2012 das erste Tag Team Tunier im ASL ankündigen darf. Zu den
    zusätzichen Regeln gibt es folgende Regeln

    Zitat von http://sgvanguardonline.blogspot.de/2012…ttle-rules.html

    - The Damage zone will be in the centre of the Team with the Deck and drop zone on the outer edges.

    - You may not converse or show the cards in your hand with your team mate.
    - In order to achieve victory, you will need to deal a total of 9 damages to your opponent's team.
    - Damage is shared among the team members,you will lose when you and your teammate's total damage reaches 9 damage.
    - You may only attack the player directly in front of you.
    - You may use your teammate's damages to counter blast.
    - Total team damage is used to determine if your units are able to activate Limit breaks.
    - You may use your teammate's soul for soul blast as well.

    - You can guard for your teammate with cards in your hand, however you may not intercept with your rearguards or use perfect guards for your teammate.
    - Any ability that affects "your opponent" will only affect the opponent directly in front of you. eg
    - "Silent Tom" can still be guarded with grade 0 units from your opponent's teammate when attacking.

    - Any ability that affects "both players" will affect all four players. eg "Dark Cat" will allow all four players to draw a card. No attacks will be made in the first 3 turns of the battle, only the 4th player may start attacking.


    Player 1 of red team will start first, followed by player 2 from blue
    team, then player 2 from red team and lastly player 1 from blue team in
    which he/she can start attacking!

    These rules are the rules that are compiled from the anime.http://blog.livedoor.jp/freedomduo/archives/17366131.html

    Quelle: http://sgvanguardonline.blogspot.de/2012…ttle-rules.html

    Das Startgeld beträgt 2,50 € zu gewinnen gibt es wie immer 1
    Preisbooster pro Person die Sieger bekommen insgesamt 3 Preisbooster.