(TCG) Maze of the Master

  • (TCG) Maze of the Master

    Release Date: 20. Februar 2025 (EU)

    Jedes Boosterpack enthält 7 karten, davon 6 Rares und eine Holo-Karte. Das Set enthält insgesamt ?? Karten, davon

    - ?? Ultra Rare

    - ?? Super Rare

    - ?? Rare

    - ? Quarter-Century Secret Rare

    (?? Karten sind außerdem auch als Collector´s Rare verfügbar)

    ??-EN??? Earthbound Immortal Red Nova

    DARK/Fiend - Effect/12/3500/3000

    There can only be 1 "Earthbound Immortal" monster on the field. During the Main Phase (Quick Effect): You can banish this card from your hand or GY; send 1 "Earthbound Immortal" monster or "Red Dragon Archfiend" from your hand or face-up Monster Zone to the GY, then you can apply 1 of these effects.

    ● Special Summon 1 "Earthbound" monster from your Deck or Extra Deck.

    ● Special Summon 1 "Red Nova Dragon" from your Extra Deck. (This is treated as a Synchro Summon.)

    You can only use this effect of "Earthbound Immortal Red Nova" once per turn.

    ??-EN??? Performage Trapeze High Magician

    LIGHT/Spellcaster - Xyz - Effect/Rank 5/2700/2200

    2 Level 5 Spellcaster monsters

    Cannot be destroyed by battle or card effects while it has material. Your opponent takes any effect damage you would have taken instead. This effect can be applied a number of times per turn up to the number of materials attached to this card. If this card has "Performage Trapeze Magician" as material, it gains this effect.

    ● You can detach 1 material from this card; this card can make up to 3 attacks during each Battle Phase this turn.

    ??-EN??? Galaxy-Eyes Tachyon Primal

    LIGHT/Dragon - Effect/8/3000/2500

    When a Dragon Xyz Monster declares an attack: Attach this card on the field to it as material. You can only use each of the following effects of "Galaxy-Eyes Tachyon Primal" once per turn. If a Dragon Xyz Monster is on the field (Quick Effect): You can Special Summon this card from your hand to either field. If this card is Normal or Special Summoned: Its owner adds 1 "Tachyon" Spell/Trap from their Deck to their hand.

    ??-EN??? Tachyon Cloudragon

    LIGHT/Dragon - Effect/4/300/250

    If this card is added to your hand, except by drawing it: You can Special Summon it. You can Tribute this card; Special Summon 1 "Tachyon" monster from your Deck or GY, except "Tachyon Cloudragon". If you Special Summon a Dragon Xyz Monster(s) (except during the Damage Step): You can target 1 of them; attach this card to it as material from the GY (if it was there when the monster was Summoned) or hand (even if not). You can only use each effect of "Tachyon Cloudragon" once per turn.

    ??-EN??? Schwarzschild Infinity Dragon

    DARK/Dragon - Effect/8/2000/0

    If you control no monsters, or your opponent controls a monster with 2000 or more ATK: You can Special Summon this card from your hand, and if you do, Special Summon 1 Level 8 LIGHT or DARK Dragon monster from your Deck in Defense Position, except "Schwarzschild Infinity Dragon", but negate its effects. You cannot Special Summon from the Extra Deck the turn you activate this effect, except Dragon Xyz Monsters. You can only use this effect of "Schwarzschild Infinity Dragon" once per turn.

    ??-EN??? Dragluxion

    LIGHT/Dragon - Effect/Rang 8/2500/3000

    2 Level 8 monsters

    If this card is Special Summoned from the Extra Deck: You can add 1 "Galaxy" or "Tachyon" card from your Deck to your hand. You can detach 2 materials from this card; Special Summon 1 Rank 8 Dragon Xyz Monster with 3000 ATK from your Extra Deck, by using this card you control as material, then you can attach 1 "Galaxy" monster from your Extra Deck to it as additional material. (This is treated as an Xyz Summon. Transfer this card's materials to the Summoned monster.) You can only use each effect of "Dragluxion" once per turn.

    ??-EN??? Seventh Tachyon

    Normal Spell Card

    Reveal 1 "Number" Xyz Monster in your Extra Deck that has a number between "101" and "107" in its name; add 1 monster with the same Type and/or Attribute as the revealed monster, and a Level equal to its Rank, from your Deck to your hand, then place 1 card from your hand on top of the Deck. For the rest of this turn after this card resolves, you cannot Special Summon from the Extra Deck, except Xyz Monsters. You can only activate 1 "Seventh Tachyon" per turn.

    ??-EN??? X-Xross Cannon

    LIGHT/Machine - Effect/4/1800/1500

    If you control a LIGHT Machine Fusion or Union monster: You can Special Summon this card from your hand. During your Main Phase: You can equip 1 appropriate LIGHT Machine Union monster from your Deck to this card as if it were equipped by that monster's effect, also you cannot Special Summon from the Extra Deck for the rest of this turn, except LIGHT monsters. You can only use each effect of "X-Cross Cannon" once per turn.

    ??-EN??? Y-Dragon Yearhead

    LIGHT/Machine - Union - Effect/4/1500/1600

    If this card is Special Summoned: You can equip 1 Level 4 LIGHT Machine monster from your hand or GY to this card, also you cannot Special Summon from the Extra Deck for the rest of this turn, except LIGHT monsters. Once per turn, you can either: Target 1 Machine monster you control; equip this card to that target, OR: Unequip this card and Special Summon it. If the equipped monster would be destroyed by battle or card effect, destroy this card instead.

    ??-EN??? Z-Zillion Tank

    LIGHT/Machine - Union - Effect/4/1500/1300

    If this card is Special Summoned: You can equip 1 of your banished Level 4 LIGHT Machine monsters to this card, also you cannot Special Summon from the Extra Deck for the rest of this turn, except LIGHT monsters. Once per turn, you can either: Target 1 Machine monster you control; equip this card to that target, OR: Unequip this card and Special Summon it. If the equipped monster would be destroyed by battle or card effect, destroy this card instead.

    ??-EN??? XYZ – Hyper Dragon Cannon

    LIGHT/Machine - Fusion - Effect/9/3000/2800

    “X-Xross Cannon” + “Y-Dragon (Y)Earhead” + Z-Zillion Tank”

    Must first be Special Summoned (from your Extra Deck) by banishing the above cards from your field and/or GY. Once per opponent's turn (Quick Effect): You can discard 1 card, then target 1 card your opponent controls; destroy it. You can banish this card from your field or GY and reveal 1 Level 8 LIGHT Machine Fusion Monster in your Extra Deck; Special Summon up to 3 materials whose names are mentioned on that monster from your GY and/or banishment.


    Silent Magician LV8 (Alternatives Artwork)

  • Ich feier den Odion Support so hart...wie oft habe ich gesagt, das Konami echt mal Charakter wie Odion oder Dartz supporten könnte (dabei dachte ich alllerdings immer an die Legendary Duelist Sets) und jetzt bekommen wir tatsächlich Serket + Fallenmonster Support...am Ende werden die eh nix gehen und das Set nicht besser machen (siehe Torwächter und Flammenschwertkämpfer), aber ich werde mir den Stuff definitiv ran holen...schon allein weil ich seit 20 Jahren drauf gewartet habe. :D

  • Will you make it through the Trap World of Death?


    Maze of the Master

    Release Date: February 21st, 2025

    MSRP: $4.49

    The Set is confirmed to have over 60 new cards, including a revamp of Odion’s “Endless Trap Hell” strategy.


    The first pack artwork features brand new artworks that feature what appear to be Odion’s new support”Endless Trap Hell”, which based on the artworks provided, includes an Anubis like figure, a card with the manga/anime artwork of “Temple of the Kings”, multiple versions of Serket, a card with a figure resembling Odion himself, and a card referencing “Cup of Sealed Soul”.

    Also featured on the artwork are “Clear” monsters, “Break the Seal” and the AC24 Wedju card.


    The second pack features various cards from Animation Chronicle 2024, including the new wave of “Performage” monsters, as well as the new Trickstar cards from “Duelists of Brilliance”


    The third pack features various cards from “Duelists of Brilliance”, specifically the revamp of the XYZ series and the new wave of Tachyon cards

    Source: New York Comic Con

  • Ich freue mich das mein Tachyon Support hier drinnen ist, zugleich habe ich Angst weil ich mir ziemlich sicher bin das sich mit Seventh Tachyon die Bonfire Geschichte wiederholt... :noash:

    Seventh Tachyon wird sicherlich das Bonfire aus Maze of the Master werden. Da Ryzeal die Karte spielt wird sie schon sehr begehrt sein.

    Hoffe dann aber auch auf ein paar Reprints von Number-Monstern entweder in dem Set oder in einem Set welches zeitlich nah dran liegt, damit sich Leute nicht irgendwelche unspielbaren Rares von vor 10 Jahren holen müssen, um Ziele für Seventh Tachyon zu haben.

    Durch die Armut an Menschlichkeit
    Wird der Mensch entzweit
    Eine Gestalt, die nur noch Körper ist
    Und seine Gefühle vergisst
    Voll Neid und Gier, so selbstverliebt,
    Von außen nur bestimmt
    Der Mensch wie sein Schicksal
    Ist taub, stumm und blind

    Wie wahr, wie wahr...

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Aven Fallen ()

  • Ankündigung und einige neue Artworks: https://www.yugioh-card.com/en/products/mztm/

  • Warum? das kommt erst in 2 Monaten raus. 21.2

    (bei cluster steht sogar 13.3)

    13. März ist richtig, das Set wurde etwas nach hinten geschoben.

    Durch die Armut an Menschlichkeit
    Wird der Mensch entzweit
    Eine Gestalt, die nur noch Körper ist
    Und seine Gefühle vergisst
    Voll Neid und Gier, so selbstverliebt,
    Von außen nur bestimmt
    Der Mensch wie sein Schicksal
    Ist taub, stumm und blind

    Wie wahr, wie wahr...

  • Warum? das kommt erst in 3 Monaten raus. 13.3

    Bisher hatte es noch nie so lange gedauert bis wir die Effekte bekamen, wenn bereits das Artwork gezeigt wurde, maximal einen Monat, aber das hier ist gefühlt schon 3 Monate her. Ok dann haben die einfach die Artworks zu früh gezeigt.

  • Bisher hatte es noch nie so lange gedauert bis wir die Effekte bekamen, wenn bereits das Artwork gezeigt wurde, maximal einen Monat, aber das hier ist gefühlt schon 3 Monate her. Ok dann haben die einfach die Artworks zu früh gezeigt.

    Denke nicht das die Effekte besser werden als bei den Torwächter karten und vor Maze kommt noch das Blauäugig SD, denke danach wirds was geben.