Skill Drain + Scientist

  • Nein
    denn das sie ins Fusionsdeck zurückkommen und nicht angreifen dürfen ist der aktivierungseffekt.

    Netreps 3.0
    Q: If a player uses “Magical Scientist’s” effect and later activates “Skill Drain,” are the Fusion monsters
    summoned through “Magical Scientist’s” effect still returned to the fusion deck?
    A: The monster Special Summoned through “Magical Scientist's” effect have a condition placed upon them
    that says they cannot attack directly and will return to the Fusion deck during the End Phase.
    “Skill Drain” cannot negate this. So even if “Skill Drain” is activated after the Fusion Monsters have been
    Special Summoned via “Magical Scientist” they will return to the Fusion Deck and cannot attack directly.
    Curtis Schultz, 12/30/2003