Beiträge von Nekroz™

    Design des Blu-ray-Schubers von »Frieren«

    Disc-Release ab Februar 2025



    Design und Extras:



    Der Magierin Frieren und ihren Kameraden ist es gelungen, den Dämonenkönig zu bezwingen, aber was jetzt?

    Während die anderen Mitglieder ihrer Gruppe immer älter werden und schließlich sterben, ist es Frieren als Elfe vergönnt, in der Welt weiterzuleben, die sie gerettet hat. Das Ende des Abenteuers ist erst der Anfang von Frierens Geschichte …

    Disc-Release von »Apothecary Diaries« verschoben + Schuber
    Disc-Release ab März 2025


    Design und Extras:



    Maomao ist eine unscheinbare Dienerin am kaiserlichen Hof. Zumindest bemüht sie sich, so gesehen zu werden. Denn seit sie in den Dienst des Kaisers verkauft wurde, hat die junge Apothekerin alles darangesetzt, ihre Schuld abzuarbeiten, ohne weiteres Aufsehen zu erregen, damit sie bald nach Hause zurückkehren kann.

    A bit very religious this set aren’t we?


    ALIN-JP078 Retsu-Oh Shihen (The Psalms of Kings)

    Normal Trap Card

    You can only activate 1 card with this card’s name per turn. If you have no monsters in your GY, you can activate this card from your hand.

    (1) When your opponent activates a monster effect on the field: You cannot activate monster effects in the hand, GY, and banishment until the end of the next turn after this card activated from the hand resolves, also negate that effect, then, if you have a Trap in your GY, you can add 1 “Dominus” card from your Deck to your hand.

    Note: This card’s name very honestly seems to be a reference to the Japanese versions of “The Book of Kings” (列王記) and “The Book of Pslams” (詩篇) from the Bible.

    The GameBoy videogame-onlys are spreading to the promos…


    VJMP-JP266 Kokoro o Kooraseru Snow Crystal (Soul-Freezing Snow Crystal) / Soulicer Crystal

    LIGHT, Lv 6

    No concrete information on the effect this time, just that it’ll be “up-to-date” and “surprising”. It will be revealed on February 7th.

    Of note, it was a Machine monster in DDS, but was changed to Aqua in DM4. It had 300 ATK and 1900 DEF in both appearances.

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    Tistina and Ashened love this and yet…


    ALIN-JP067 Chaotic Elements

    Normal Spell Card

    You can only use the (1)st and (2)nd effects of this card’s name each once per turn.

    (1) Add 1 Level 5 or higher LIGHT or DARK Pyro or Aqua monster from your Deck or GY to the hand, then, if you have 3 or more Pyro and/or Aqua monsters in your GY, you can destroy 1 card on the field.

    (2) If your opponent controls a LIGHT or DARK Pyro or Aqua monster: You can banish this card from your GY, then target 1 monster your opponent controls; take control of it until the End Phase.

    List of Current Cards That Interact With This Card

    (Hint, it’s mostly Ashened and Tistina)

    Disc-Schuber der zweiten »Jujutsu Kaisen«-Staffel

    7. Februar 2025 als DVD und Blu-ray




    In den Reihen der Akademie befinden sich Informanten, die Dinge zu Getou und seinen Leuten durchsickern lassen. Itadori, Nobara und Fushiguro werden damit beauftragt, der Sache auf den Grund zu gehen.

    Design der Blu-ray-Komplettbox von »The Faraway Paladin«

    21. Februar 2025 als Gesamtausgabe auf Blu-ray



    In der zerstörten Stadt der Toten, weit weg von der menschlichen Zivilisation, lebt ein einzelnes Menschenkind namens Will.

    Er wird von drei Untoten aufgezogen: Blood, dem heldenhaften Skelettkrieger, Mary, der damenhaften Mumienpriesterin, und Gus, dem schrulligen Geisterzauberer. Die drei lehren den Jungen, was sie wissen, und geben ihm ihre Liebe.


    The flames of the inferno relight the forge leading to the path of metal once again.

    ALIN-JP025 Red-Eyes Metal Claw Dragon

    Level 7 DARK Dragon Effect Monster

    ATK 2400

    DEF 2000

    You can only use the (1)st and (2)nd effects of this card’s name each once per turn.

    (1) You can send 1 of your Set cards to the GY; Special Summon this card from your hand.

    (2) If this card is Normal or Special Summoned and you have “Max Metalmorph” on your field or in your GY: You can add 1 “Metalmorph” Trap from your Deck or GY to your hand.

    (3) You can activate “Metalmorph” Traps the turn they are Set.

    Billions must spam Bushido Counters.


    ALIN-JP042 Shinma Rokubushu – Kizan / Legendary Lord Six Samurai – Kizan

    Warrior/Synchro/Effect, EARTH, Lv 6, ATK 1800, DEF 800

    1 Tuner + 1+ non-Tuner monsters

    You can only use the 2nd and 3rd effect of this card’s name each once per turn.

    (1) “Six Samurai” monsters you control gain 600 ATK/DEF during the Battle Phase only.

    (2) During your opponent’s Main Phase (Quick Effect): You can banish 1 “Six Strike” card from your GY, then target 1 card on the field; destroy it.

    (3) If you control 2 or more “Six Samurai” monsters: You can Special Summon this card from your GY.


    [TCG-SUDA] Supreme Darkness set spoiler

    Only magic here… I swear.


    SUDA-EN097 – Detonating Kuriboh – Super Rare


    SUDA-EN098 – Otonari Thunder – Super Rare


    SUDA-EN099 – Performapal Sky Magician Girl – Super Rare


    SUDA-EN100 – Magistus Chorozo – Super Rare

    For the Mitsurugi theme, see our previous article (for completion’s sake given their previous low-res, the previously revealed generic WP’s are recapped here).


    SUDA-EN081 – Dark Necromancer

    Level 4 DARK Zombie Effect Monster

    ATK/1000 DEF/1400

    If this card is Normal or Special Summoned: You can send 1 Fiend or Zombie Ritual Monster from your hand or Deck to the GY, then you can add 1 Ritual Spell from your Deck to your hand. If this card is banished: You can target 1 of your banished Level 4 or lower Fiend or Zombie monsters; Special Summon it. You can only us each effect of “Dark Necromancer” once per turn.


    SUDA-EN082 – Vulcarrion the Rotting Phoenix

    Level 4 DARK Zombie Tuner Effect Monster

    ATK/1600 DEF/0

    If you control a Zombie monster: You can Special Summon this card from your hand. During your Main Phase: You can return this card from the field to the hand, then you can Special Summon 1 Zombie monster from your hand. You can only use each effect of “Vulcarrion the Rotting Phoenix” once per turn.


    SUDA-EN083 – Curse of the Ancient Turtle

    Normal Spell Card

    Banish 1 Zombie monster from your hand or GY; send 1 Zombie monster from your Deck to the GY. When your Zombie monster is destroyed by battle: You can banish this card from your GY; Special Summon 1 Zombie monster with 2000 or less DEF from your Deck. You can only use each effect of “Curse of the Ancient Turtle” once per turn.


    SUDA-EN084 – Minimalian

    Level 4 WATER Psychic Effect Monster

    ATK/100 DEF/100

    You can banish 1 other card from your hand; Special Summon this card from your hand. You can banish 1 face-up Level 4 or lower monster you control; Special Summon 1 monster from your Deck with the same original Type and Attribute that the banished monster had, but 1 or 2 Levels lower than its original Level. You can only use each effect of “Minimalian” once per turn.


    SUDA-EN085 – Shadow Severing Strike

    Continuous Spell Card

    If a card(s) is banished from the hand and/or field to activate a monster effect (except during the Damage Step): You can apply 1 of the following effects based on 1 of the card types banished:

    ●Monster: Negate the effects of 1 face-up Spell/Trap on the field until the end of this turn. ●Spell: Draw 2 cards. ●Trap: Banish 1 monster on the field.

    If this card is banished to activate a monster effect: You can add 1 of your other banished cards to your hand. You can only use each effect of “Shadow Severing Strike” once per turn.


    SUDA-EN086 – D.D. Post

    Continuous Trap Card

    Monsters you control gain 300 ATK for each card type (Monster, Spell, or Trap) among your banished cards. Once per turn, during the Main Phase: You can banish 1 card from your hand or GY, then you can shuffle 1 of your banished cards into the Deck. If this card is banished: You can place it face-up on your field. You can only use this effect of “D.D. Post” once per turn.


    SUDA-EN087 – Beast of Talwar – The Sword Summit

    Level 7 DARK Fiend Effect Monster

    ATK/2400 DEF/2150

    (This card is always treated as an “Archfiend” card.)

    If you control no monsters, you can Special Summon this card (from your hand). The first time this card would be destroyed by an opponent’s card effect each turn, it is not destroyed. Neither player can target other monsters with Equip Spell Cards or effects.


    SUDA-EN088 – Ripple Bird

    Rank 1 WIND Winged Beast Xyz Effect Monster

    ATK/1000 DEF/0

    2 Level 1 monsters

    You can detach 1 material from this card, then target 1 monster on the field; change its battle position. While all monsters you control are in Attack Position, they gain 500 ATK. While all monsters you control are in Defense Position, your opponent cannot declare an attack.


    SUDA-EN089 – The Toil of the Normal

    Normal Trap Card

    Apply these effects in sequence, based on the number of Normal Monsters with different names in your GY (skip over any that do not apply):

    ● 1+ This turn, Normal Monsters you control gain 800 ATK.

    ● 2+ Negate the effects of 1 Effect Monster on the field, until the end of this turn.

    ● 3+ This turn, Normal Monsters you control cannot be destroyed by card effects.

    ● 4+ Shuffle 1 Effect Monster on the field into the Deck.

    ● 5+ Add 1 “The Toil of the Normal” from your Deck to your hand.

    You can only activate 1 “The Toil of the Normal” per turn.

    Quarter Century Art Collection [QCAC]


    Azamina, White Forest, Goblin Bikers, Metalmorph and Atlantean Mermail? What an interesting batch.


    SUDA-EN004 – Elzette, Azamina of the White Forest (Secret Rare/Quarter Century Secret Rare)


    SUDA-EN009 – Queen Azamina (Ultra Rare/Quarter Century Secret Rare)


    SUDA-EN035 – Snake-Eyes Doomed Dragon (Secret Rare/Quarter Century Secret Rare)


    SUDA-EN036 – Saint Azamina (Secret Rare/Quarter Century Secret Rare)


    SUDA-EN044 – Goblin Bikers Gone Bonkers (Ultra Rare/Quarter Century Secret Rare)


    SUDA-EN014 – Metalflame Swordsman (Ultra Rare/Quarter Century Secret Rare)


    SUDA-EN016 – Poseidra, the Storming Atlantean (Secret Rare/Quarter Century Secret Rare)


    SUDA-EN046 – Abysstrite, the Atlantean Spirit


    There were once a pair of girls who lived in the mysterious woods…


    ALIN-JP058 Shiroki Mori no Majo (Witches of the White Forest)

    Field Spoell Card

    You can only activate 1 card with this card’s name per turn. You can only use the (3)rd effect of this card’s name once per turn.

    (1) When this card resolves, you can add 1 “White Forest” monster from your Deck to the hand, and if you do, you cannot Special Summon DARK monsters from the Extra Deck for the rest of this turn.

    (2) The first time each of your “White Forest” monsters would be destroyed by battle each turn, it is not destroyed.

    (3) You can target 1 “White Forest” monster you control; it is treated as a Tuner this turn.

    vielleicht kann man mit den Regenesis da mal was nettes mit den 25th Pride & Soul Karten Bauen :thumbup:

    Let’s start from first principles.


    ALIN-JP021 Prima Materiactor

    Level 3 LIGHT Dragon Pendulum Normal Monster

    ATK 0

    DEF 0

    Pendulum Scale: 1

    Pendulum Effect:

    You can only use the (2)nd Pendulum Effect of this card’s name once per turn.

    (1) Xyz Monsters you control gain ATK equal to the number of Xyz Materials attached to monsters on the field x 100.

    (2) You can target 1 “Materiactor” Xyz Monster you control; attach this card to it as material, then draw 1 card.

    Flavor Text:

    An alien lifeform that suddenly crash-landed from the heavens far above. Although many researchers have tried to determine why it came, the combination of its luminous glow and the miasma that surrounds it have long shrouded its existence in complete mystery. As a result, trying to grasp the whole picture has been extremely difficult. However, in recent years, thanks to the efforts of up-and-coming researchers, many new species have been discovered. The day will soon come when the full extent of their existence will be revealed.

    Note: Prima Materia is the ‘seed’ matter required to help create a Philosopher’s Stone.

    ALIN-JP063 Materiactor Meltthrough

    Field Spell Card

    (1) When this card resolves, excavate the top 6 cards of your Deck, and if you do, place them on the top of the Deck in any order.

    (2) Once per turn: You can pay 1500 LP; Special Summon 1 “Materiactor” Xyz Monster from your Extra Deck, by using 1 Level 3 Normal Monster you control as material (this is treated as an Xyz Summon), also you cannot Special Summon from the Extra Deck for the rest of this turn, except Xyz Monsters.

    (3) If an Xyz Monster is Xyz Summoned: You can attach the top card of your Deck to 1 of your “Materiactor” Xyz Monsters as material.

    Note: A Meltthrough is the worst case scenario of a meltdown where the core melts through all protective components.

    Source: X (Twitter)

    Advanced Ancient Civilzation


    ALIN-JP053 Kidou Sekki Dogurado (Dogurado the Moving Stone Artifact)

    LINK-3 EARTH Rock Link Effect Monster

    ATK 1000

    Links: Top; Bottom-Left; Bottom-Right

    Materials: 2+ monsters, including a Rock monster(s)

    You can only use the (1)st and (2)nd effects of this card’s name each once per turn.

    (1) If this card is Special Summoned: You can target 1 Rock monster in your GY; this card gains ATK equal to that monster’s.

    (2) During your opponent’s Main Phase (Quick Effect): You can target 1 other monster on the field with ATK equal to or less than this card’s; this card loses ATK equal to that monster’s, and if it does, destroy that monster.

    Note: Dogu (An Ancient Japanese Artifact) and El Dorado (The legendary city of Gold)

    He’s malding mad.


    ALIN-JP050 Dohatsu Tenshou Sabersaurus (Ferociously Angered Sabersaurus)

    Rank 4 FIRE Dinosaur Xyz Effect Monster

    ATK 2000

    DEF 600

    Materials: 2 Level 4 monsters

    You can only use the (1)st and (2)nd effects of this card’s name once per turn.

    (1) You can detach 1 material from this card; destroy 1 Dinosaur monster in your hand or face-up on your field, then, you can change the battle position of a monster on the field.

    (2) When another Dinosaur monster you control battles, during the Damage Step: You can destroy thais card, and if you do, that Dinosaur monster gains 2000 ATK until the end of the Battle Phase.

    Note: 怒髪天衝 is basically just “really really really REALLY angry and furious and boiling with rage”. We decided to reference the TCG Flavor Text for its name.

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