Beiträge von Otto Fetti


    Original von ATEMU1
    solange sich auserdem noch ziele auf dem feld befinden

    Du bist ja witztig, der TIV kann doch auch sein eigenes Ziel sein :doh:

    Ich wollte auch mal mein Deck posten!

    Peten Down [v.0.2]
    40 Karten.

    Main Deck:
    [1] Jinzo
    [1] Airknight Parshath
    [1] Chaos Sorcerer
    [2] Command Knight
    [1] Magical Scientist
    [1] Blade Knight
    [1] Cyberdose
    [3] Peten, The Dark Clown
    [1] Twin-Headed Behemoth
    [1] Sinister Serpenent
    [2] Magier des Glaubens
    [1] Raging Flame Sprite
    [1] Exiled Force
    [2] D. D. Warrior Lady

    [1] Topf der Gier
    [1] The Warrior returning Alive
    [1] Schwerer Sturm
    [3] Book of Moon
    [1] Überläufer
    [1] Hammerschuss
    [1] Adliger der Vernichtug
    [1] Monster Reincarnation
    [1] Voreiliges Begräbniss
    [1] Mystischer Raum Taifun
    [1] Qual der Wahl
    [1] Verräterische Schwerter
    [1] Snatch Steal
    [1] Creature Swap

    [1] Ring of Destruction
    [1] Divine Wrath
    [1] Waboku
    [1] Reißender Tribut
    [1] Compulsory Evacuation Device

    Bitte Bewerten!
    MfG Otto Fetti

    Bei mir war das auch so, wurde erst eingetragen, als ich ein Passwort hatte. FRag mal soul, der hat eine Telefonnummer dafür, ich weiß aber nicht ob der die weitergeben will...

    Gegner spielt Kuriboh, und sagt:
    Jetzt sind alle deine Monster Tod, und dann darf ich alle meine Monster aus dem Friedhof holen!

    Gegner will Monster im offener vert. spielen ich sag das geht nicht und beweis es dann mit dem Regelbuch. Er greift mit seinem Monster danach meinen Peten an, ich hole mir einen neuen, und er sagt dann, dass ich ihn nicht in offene vert. spielen Könnte... :dozey:

    Ekibyo Drakmord
    Equip Spell

    A monster equipped with this card cannot attack. Destroys the equipped monster at the end of the 2nd turn of the player controlling the monster. At that time, this card is returned to the owner's hand.
    Am Ende der zweiten Runde, wenn das Monster durch Ekybios effekt zerstört wurde!

    Das negated er:
    • "The End of Anubis" WILL negate the effects of "Night Assailant" (its second effect), "Aswan Apparition", "Nubian Guard", "Sangan", "Witch of the Black Forest" (even if Tributed to Tribute Summon "The End of Anubis"), "Mystic Tomato"/"Giant Rat"/etc., "Sinister Serpent", "Magician of Faith", "Dark Magician of Chaos"' spell retrieval effect, "Vampire Lord"'s ability to return from the Graveyard, "Dark Necrofear"'s ability to return from the Graveyard, and activation of "Call of the Haunted" or "Premature Burial".

    • "The End of Anubis" WILL NOT negate the Special Summon of "Chaos Emperor Dragon - Envoy of the End", "Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning", "Dark Necrofear", "Soul of Purity and Light", etc. (because these involve costs, not effects, and "The End of Anubis" cannot negate paying costs). "The End of Anubis" WILL NOT negate "Strike Ninja"'s effect because removing 2 DARK monsters from the Graveyard is a cost.

    • "The End of Anubis" WILL NOT negate the effect of "Fiend Comedian", "Fiber Jar", or "Big Burn".

    • "The End of Anubis" negates the Special Summon effect of "Premature Burial" & "Call of the Haunted", but does not negate the effect that destroys the monster when "Premature Burial"/"Call of the Haunted" is destroyed.

    ICh würd sagen der Shogun stirbt!
    • While "Total Defense Shogun" is in Defense Position, he attacks using his ATK but defends with his DEF if he is attacked. If he attacks a monster with higher ATK, but ATK lower than "Total Defense Shogun"'s DEF, "Total Defense Shogun" is still destroyed because the battle is ATK vs. ATK.

    Hier mal die Netreps:
    Patrician of Darkness
    Effect Monster (Zombie / DARK / 5 Stars / ATK 2000 / DEF 1400)

    As long as this monster remains face-up on the field, the controller of this card selects the targets of his/her opponent's attacks.

    • For this card's effect, the chosen attack target must still be legal. You cannot force a monster to attack directly if it normally cannot, or force a monster to attack a monster on its own side of the field.

    • The effect of "Patrician of Darkness" does not override the effects of "Marauding Captain", "The Legendary Fisherman", "Solar Flare Dragon", etc. You cannot choose an attack target prevented by the effects of these cards. Examples: You cannot choose "The Legendary Fisherman" as an attack target if "Umi" is on the field. You cannot choose another Warrior-Type monster as an attack target when you control "Marauding Captain".

    • "Inaba White Rabbit" must still attack your Life Points directly since it is not able to attack other monsters. You cannot force it to with this card's effect.

    • If a monster has the optional effect of attacking directly, such as "Rainbow Flower", you may choose a monster as an attack, or a direct attack,

    • When you control "Patrician of Darkness" and a monster equipped with "Ring of Magnetism" you must chose the equipped monster as the attack target.

    • Replays may occur as normal when this card is on the field. If, after the replay, "Patrician of Darkness" is still on the field and they choose to restart the attack, you will still choose the attack target with the effect of "Patrician of Darkness".

    • If you control "Patrician of Darkness" and "Lord of D." you may still choose Dragon-Type monsters on your side of the field as attack targets.


    Original von Mindflanger
    Mir fallen im Moment auf die schnelle nur Painful Choice in wo es nicht geht, da die Karten nicht von der Hand in den Grave wandern!

    Ansonsten tritt der NA Effekt bei jedem abwerfen eines NA aus der Hand ein, sei es als Kosten oder durche einen gegnerischen Karteneffekt! sei denn er wird explizit durch einen anderen Karteneffekt negiert, wie z.b. Divine Wrath.

    Wenn man eine Situation hat in der man sogar 2 NA's auf einmal abwerfen kann, dann kann man sich beide bei der Auflösung des Effektes wieder auf die Hand holen!

    Wenn man beide abwirft, zur gleichen Zeit, kann man doch keinern von beiden hohlen!
    • When multiple "Night Assailants" are sent to the Graveyard at the same time because of "Graceful Charity", etc., both can be returned to your hand because "Night Assailant" cannot select itself but CAN select a different "Night Assailant", even one that was sent to the Graveyard at the same time.

    Night Assailant
    Effect Monster (Fiend / DARK / 3 Stars / ATK 200 / DEF 500)

    FLIP: Select 1 monster on your opponent's side of the field and destroy it. When this card is sent directly from your hand to the Graveyard, return 1 Flip Effect Monster from your Graveyard to your hand.

    • "Night Assailant" doesn't have to be sent to the Graveyard by an effect, or by an effect controlled by your opponent; it just has to be sent to the Graveyard. "Night Assailant"'s effect activates when sent to the Graveyard as a cost for "Magic Jammer" or "Tribe-Infecting Virus"; "Night Assailant"'s effect activates after the current chain resolves.

    • "Night Assailant"'s effect activates when sent to the Graveyard by "Morphing Jar" or "Card Destruction".

    • "Night Assailant"'s effect activates when sent to the Graveyard for a Ritual Summon.

    • When "Night Assailant" is sent to the Graveyard by the effect of "Last Turn", FIRST resolve "Last Turn"'s effect of sending all cards on the field and in the hands to the Graveyard, SECOND activate and resolve the effect of "Night Assailant", and THIRD Special Summon a monster by the effect of "Last Turn".

    • You cannot select the "Night Assailant" that was itself sent to the Graveyard, so there is no infinite loop.

    • When multiple "Night Assailants" are sent to the Graveyard at the same time because of "Graceful Charity", etc., both can be returned to your hand because "Night Assailant" cannot select itself but CAN select a different "Night Assailant", even one that was sent to the Graveyard at the same time.

    • Both of "Night Assailant"'s effects target.

    • You cannot use "Night Assailant"'s second effect while "Necrovalley" is active.

    • If your opponent has your "Night Assailant" in his hand (because of "Exchange") and it's sent to the Graveyard, you (the owner) get the effect.

    • If you have "Forced Requisition" active (face-up) and 7 cards in your hand during the End Phase (and one of them is a "Night Assailant"), and there is another "Night Assailant" in your Graveyard, and you discard your "Night Assailant" because you have 7 cards, your opponent must discard because of "Forced Requisition". Then you can activate the effect of "Night Assailant" to retrieve the other "Night Assailant". Now you have 7 cards in your hand again so you can discard "Night Assailant", and your opponent must discard again for "Forced Requisition". You can continue doing this until your opponent loses all cards in their hand.