
  • @Mods: Strategie adde ich noch. Ich brauch den Thread für das Strategie-Board.

    3x Morphtronic Boomboxen
    3x Morphtronic Radion
    3x Morphtronic Celfon
    3x Morphtronic Scopen
    2x Morphtronic Slingen
    2x Morphtronic Remoten
    2x Morphtronic Boarden
    1x Sangan
    1x Gorz the Emissary of Darkness

    3x Morphtronic Accelerator
    3x Junk BOX
    1x Brain Control
    1x Mind Control
    1x Limiter Removal
    1x Heavy Storm
    1x Giant Trunade
    1x Mystical Space Typhoon

    3x Threatening Roar
    2x Waboku
    1x Solemn Judgement
    1x Mirror Force
    1x Torrential Tribute

    1x Stardust Dragon
    1x Black Rose Dragon
    1x Magical Android
    1x Ally of Justice Catastor
    1x Brionac Dragon of the Ice Boundary
    1x Colossal Fighter
    1x Armory Arm
    1x Power Tool Dragon
    1x Ancient Sacred Wyvern
    1x Chimeratech Fortress Dragon
    1x Ancient Fairy Dragon
    1x Goyo Guardian
    1x Avening Knight Parshath
    1x Arcanit Magician
    1x X-Saber Urbellum

    2x Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer
    2x Soul Release
    2x Bottomless Trap Hole
    2x Royal Decree
    2x Book of Moon
    2x Lighting Vortex
    2x Legendary Jujitsu Master
    1x Cyber Dragon