Evilswarm Castor Ruling - KDE Statement

  • Wie schon auf FACEBOOK bekanntgegeben, gibt es nun ein offizielles Statement seitens KONAMI wie Castor gerult wird, sollten Karten wie Effect Veiler und Co auf diesen angewendet werden:

    Statement from KDE-E regarding 'Evilswarm Castor':

    Constellar Pollux and Evilswarm Castor, these cards can be negated, but
    there is only really one way to do this, and that is if Skill Drain is
    face-up on the field before these monsters are summoned (meaning the
    additional normal summon cannot be negated by Effect Veiler etc) .

    Both of these cards work very much like Dodger Dragon. These cards were
    ruled differently at a recent US event, the ruling was made based on a
    previous card with similar text (Dverg of the Nordic Alfar). The issue with
    this is that Dverg of the Nordic Alfar was printed before PSCT and has some
    specific rulings that says that it CAN be negated. This is different from
    how Constellar Pollux and Evilswarm Castor work.

    Please move forwarded using this ruling.

    Damit sollten alle potenziellen Ungeheimtheiten für die German Nationals ausgeräumt sein.

  • DANKE!!!!!!

    YES YES YES!!!!

    also mst für skilldrain aufbewahren :D