coverage düsseldorf?

  • Folks, it's done when it's done. It's like my boss didn't have any time for me when I wanted to post it and since doing those coverages heavily rely on him having time for me, it all got delayed.

    So before NRW goes online, I have updates for Hessen to post. Even Niedersachsen got some updates as soon as my boss has done some work for me.

    Please be patient!

    hth - AoL

    The death of a loved one. For they that remain, the wounds grow deeper and deeper...
    They that remain grow weaker and weaker, an agony incomparable, their hearts in bondage.

  • Der Meister mit der Start Nummer 4 hat gesprochen *bumm*

    Fuer alle die es nicht gerallt haben.
    Geduldet euch noch. Es wird schon noch online gehen wenn sich Zeit findet.


    3. PiratenCup '05 Frankfurt // 15. One Piece DM '06 Düsseldorf //
    5. GPB '07 Düsseldorf Drachental // 7. One Piece DM '07 Düsseldorf
    Einer der letzten offiziellen 7 Samurai der Meere