Die Dunkle Seite Des Metas!!!

  • Taktik ist Schaden kriegen und letztendlich entweder mithilfe eines extremen Kartenvorteil durch Dons, Tomaten und die Strikes doch noch zu gewinnen, oder mit R.f.t.d.D. zu finishen.
    Drei Tomaten, weil sie richtig eingesetzt den Gegner daran hindern, im Kampf IRGENDEINEN Kartenvorteil zu kriegen und natürlich für die Feldkontrolle.
    Nur ein R.f.t.d.D. weils einfach zu hohes Deathdrawpotenzial hat.
    Kein MoF aus Platzgründen und weil er 1. zu langsam ist, 2. ich Tsuku nie ziehe/searche, 3. weil ein einzelner Flipp kaum Vorteil bringt, 4. weil ich viel lieber nen paar mehr Tomaten und co. zocke, 5. weil ich nicht den Drawskill habe, den Lock mit ihm aufzubauen und 6. weil ich den ganzen Hype um die Karte eh nicht verstehe (Juhu, er bringt in jedem dritten Duell eine Graceful zurück)
    Außerdem mit ner Menge Fallen und 3x Smashing wenig darauf ausgelegt, Monster im Kamof zu killn (Ausnahme Blast with Chain, die einfach nur rockt, bei den ganzen 1400ern).
    Momentan etwas überfülltes Deck, aber ich bin ja noch in der Testphase.

    Monster 18
    3x Reaper
    2x Strike Ninja
    1x Breaker
    1x Tsuku (spiele keine Flips, aber die rockt trotzdem. Einfach herrlich zum angreifen)
    1x Sangan
    1x Don Zaloog
    1x Newdoria
    3x Tomate
    2x DD Scout Plane (läuft ganz gut, aber drei zieht man zu oft)

    1x DD Warrior Lady
    1x DD Assi
    1x Exiled

    Zauber 15
    1x Graceful Charity
    1x Mystischer Raum-Taifun
    1x Heavy Storm
    1x Premature Burial
    1x Snatch Steal
    1x Book of Moon
    1x Swords of Revealing Lights
    1x Sündenbock
    2x Nobleman of Crossout
    3x Smashing Ground (u.a. gegen Jinzo, ich denke ihr versteht das...)
    2x RotA

    Fallen 10
    1x Call of the Haunted
    1x Torrential Tribute
    1x Mirror Force
    3x Saku
    1x Bottomless (am besten noch mehr, aber hier konnte ich am ehesten Karten kicken)
    2x Blast With Chain
    1x R.f.t.d.D.

    As long as this player remains face-up on tournaments, he is unaffected by Meta-Decks.
    If this Player attacks a face-up Meta-Deck with 0 Deathdraws, the Meta-Deck is immediately removed from the tournament.
    In addition, he negates the effect of all Staples.
    Call a Judge by paying 0 Life Points.

  • push

    As long as this player remains face-up on tournaments, he is unaffected by Meta-Decks.
    If this Player attacks a face-up Meta-Deck with 0 Deathdraws, the Meta-Deck is immediately removed from the tournament.
    In addition, he negates the effect of all Staples.
    Call a Judge by paying 0 Life Points.

  • Habs verändertwie ich's spielen würde ;)

    Hab das mit der Kartenzahl auch deutlicher gemacht ;)

    Da ich mir die "Mühe"(XD) gemacht hab, dein Deck zu raten, möchte ich dich bitten, =====> genau das <===== zu raten!

    Thx schonmal!

    M-F-G ~Zero~

  • Zitat

    Original von Lightelder

    As long as this player remains face-up on tournaments, he is unaffected by Meta-Decks.
    If this Player attacks a face-up Meta-Deck with 0 Deathdraws, the Meta-Deck is immediately removed from the tournament.
    In addition, he negates the effect of all Staples.
    Call a Judge by paying 0 Life Points.

  • Zitat

    Original von Lightelder

    As long as this player remains face-up on tournaments, he is unaffected by Meta-Decks.
    If this Player attacks a face-up Meta-Deck with 0 Deathdraws, the Meta-Deck is immediately removed from the tournament.
    In addition, he negates the effect of all Staples.
    Call a Judge by paying 0 Life Points.

  • Zitat

    Original von Lightelder

    As long as this player remains face-up on tournaments, he is unaffected by Meta-Decks.
    If this Player attacks a face-up Meta-Deck with 0 Deathdraws, the Meta-Deck is immediately removed from the tournament.
    In addition, he negates the effect of all Staples.
    Call a Judge by paying 0 Life Points.

  • Zitat

    Original von Lightelder

    As long as this player remains face-up on tournaments, he is unaffected by Meta-Decks.
    If this Player attacks a face-up Meta-Deck with 0 Deathdraws, the Meta-Deck is immediately removed from the tournament.
    In addition, he negates the effect of all Staples.
    Call a Judge by paying 0 Life Points.

  • Verzweiflungspush...

    As long as this player remains face-up on tournaments, he is unaffected by Meta-Decks.
    If this Player attacks a face-up Meta-Deck with 0 Deathdraws, the Meta-Deck is immediately removed from the tournament.
    In addition, he negates the effect of all Staples.
    Call a Judge by paying 0 Life Points.

  • Zitat

    Original von Lightelder

    As long as this player remains face-up on tournaments, he is unaffected by Meta-Decks.
    If this Player attacks a face-up Meta-Deck with 0 Deathdraws, the Meta-Deck is immediately removed from the tournament.
    In addition, he negates the effect of all Staples.
    Call a Judge by paying 0 Life Points.

  • Zitat

    Original von Lightelder

    As long as this player remains face-up on tournaments, he is unaffected by Meta-Decks.
    If this Player attacks a face-up Meta-Deck with 0 Deathdraws, the Meta-Deck is immediately removed from the tournament.
    In addition, he negates the effect of all Staples.
    Call a Judge by paying 0 Life Points.