Yu-Gi-Oh Karten Shop


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Celestial Apparatus Tesea

Fairy / Effect

If you control an "Adventurer Token": You can Special Summon this card from your hand. You can reveal 1 card in your hand that mentions an "Adventurer Token"; add 1 Spell that mentions an "Adventurer Token" from your Deck to your hand, except a Normal Spell. You cannot Special Summon monsters the turn you activate this effect, except an "Adventurer Token" or monsters that mention it. You can only use each effect of "Celestial Apparatus Tesea" once per turn.

ATK: 1000     DEF: 1000
Edition Rarität Nr. (DE) Nr. (EN)
Darkwing Blast Common DABL-DE028
Battles of Legend: Monstrous Revenge Ultra Rare BLMR-DE068

GBA Nr.: 54092240