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Magnum the Reliever

Fiend / Effect / Fusion

1 monster Special Summoned from the Extra Deck + 1 monster in the hand
You can target 1 "Polymerization" Spell or "Fusion" Spell in your GY; place that card on the bottom of the Deck, then draw 1 card. When another card, or its effect, is activated (Quick Effect): You can banish 1 "Polymerization" Spell or "Fusion" Spell from your GY, then target 1 card on the field; destroy it. You can only use each effect of "Magnum the Reliever" once per turn.

ATK: 2800     DEF: 2000
Edition Rarität Nr. (DE) Nr. (EN)
Duelist Nexus Super Rare DUNE-DE036

GBA Nr.: 00043227